Here’s a comprehensive moving checklist for commercial and corporate moves:

Six Months Before the Move:

  1. Review your current lease for any potential fees or penalties associated with moving.
  2. Begin soliciting quotes from reputable moving companies.
  3. Establish a preliminary budget for the move.

Three Months Before the Move:

  1. Assign a task crew or point person in each department to oversee packing responsibilities.
  2. Decide on packing procedures and layout.
  3. Notify clients, vendors, business partners, and official entities about your upcoming move.

Two Months Before the Move:

  1. Create a detailed timeline of the move to keep everyone on track.
  2. Conduct a thorough assessment of what needs to be moved and any special requirements.
  3. Begin sorting and decluttering, deciding what will move with you and what can be sold or disposed of.

One Month Before the Move:

  1. Order new stationery and business cards with the new address.
  2. Confirm final moving plans with your chosen moving company.
  3. Start packing non-essential items and clearly label all boxes.

Two Weeks Before the Move:

  1. Finalize seating arrangements and office layouts for the new space.
  2. Inform your staff about the details of the move.
  3. Update your company’s address on your website, Google My Business, and other platforms.

One Week Before the Move:

  1. Do a final walkthrough of the new space to ensure it’s ready.
  2. Make sure all employees are clear on their roles and responsibilities for the move.
  3. Pack a “first day box” with essential items like toilet paper, coffee, and snacks.

Moving Day:

  1. Supervise the loading and unloading process.
  2. Ensure all inventory is accounted for and in its correct place.
  3. Confirm that utilities and IT systems are functioning properly in the new location.

After the Move:

  1. Unpack and set up essential areas like bathrooms and the kitchen.
  2. Gradually unpack other items, prioritizing according to need.
  3. Host a welcome event to help employees acclimate to the new space.

This checklist is a guide to help your commercial or corporate move go smoothly. Remember, every move is unique, so adapt this list to suit your specific needs.